E-Mail: nico. Bonato Asato, Ana E. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. Liu, Qun, Eisenhauer, NicoScheu, Stefan, Reitz, ThomasSchädler, Martin : Grasslands support more diverse and resilient earthworm communities to climate change than croplands in Central Europe. Hutengs, ChristopherEisenhauer, NicoSchädler, MartinCesarz, SimoneLochner, AlfredSeidel, Michael, Vohland, Michael : Enhanced VNIR and MIR proximal sensing of soil organic matter and PLFA-derived soil microbial properties through machine learning ensembles and external parameter orthogonalization. Jupke, Jonathan F. European Journal of Soil Science. Kattenborn, TejaWieneke, SebastianMontero, DavidMahecha, Miguel D. Angst, GerritPotapov, Anton M. Nature Communications. The ISME Journal. Journal of Ecology. Bröcher, M. Basic and Applied Ecology. Brown, George G. Biodiversity Data Journal. Eldridge, David J. Nature Plants. Gong, Xin, Qiao, Zhihong, Yao, Haifeng, Zhao, Dan, Eisenhauer, NicoScheu, Stefan, Liang, Chao, Liu, Manqiang, Zhu, Yong-Guan, Sun, Xin : Urbanization simplifies soil nematode communities and coincides with decreased ecosystem stability. Plant and Soil. Haq, Hafeez ulHauer, AmelieSingavarapu, BalaChristel, HenrietteCesarz, SimoneEisenhauer, NicoFerlian, OlgaBruelheide, HelgeWubet, Tesfaye : The interactive effect of tree mycorrhizal type, mycorrhizal type mixture and tree diversity shapes rooting zone soil fungal communities in temperate forest ecosystems. Functional Ecology. Hu, Xiaoli, Wu, Xinwei, Zhou, Qingping, Iordache Silvia Andrea Prostituierte, Karl J. Nature Climate Change. Jurburg, Stephanie D. Li, Yi, Schuldt, Andreas, Ebeling, Anne, Eisenhauer, NicoHuang, YuanyuanAlbert, Georg, Albracht, Cynthia, Amyntas, AngelosBonkowski, Michael, Bruelheide, HelgeBröcher, Maximilian, Chesters, Douglas, Chen, Jun, Chen, Yannan, Chen, Jing-Ting, Ciobanu, Marcel, Deng, Xianglu, Fornoff, Felix, Gleixner, Gerd, Guo, Liangdong, Guo, Peng-Fei, Heintz-Buschart, Anna, Klein, Alexandra-Maria, Lange, Markus, Li, Shan, Li, Qi, Li, Yingbin, Luo, Arong, Meyer, Sebastian T. Global Ecology and Biogeography. MacDougall, Andrew S. Michael, Arnillas, Carlos A. StanleyHersch-Green, Erika, Jentsch, Anke, Kirkman, Kevin, Knops, Johannes M. Mahecha, Miguel D. Phillips, Helen R. Romera, Poppy Joaquina, Wallace, Kiri Joy, McCarthy, James K. Sachsenmaier, LenaSchnabel, FlorianDietrich, Peter, Eisenhauer, NicoFerlian, OlgaQuosh, JuliusRichter, RonnyWirth, Christian : Forest growth resistance and resilience to the — drought depend on tree diversity and mycorrhizal type. Sasaki, TakehiroBerdugo, Miguel, Iordache Silvia Andrea Prostituierte, Toshihiko, Batdelger, Gantsetseg, Baasandai, Erdenetsetseg, Eisenhauer, Nico : Aridity-dependent shifts in biodiversity—stability relationships but not in underlying mechanisms. Global Change Biology. Scherzinger, Friedrich, Schädler, MartinReitz, ThomasYin, RuiAuge, HaraldMerbach, Ines, Roscher, ChristianeHarpole, W. StanleyBlagodatskaya, Evgenia, Siebert, JuliaCiobanu, Marcel, Marder, FabianEisenhauer, NicoQuaas, Martin F. Shi, Baoku, Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel, Knapp, Alan K. Science Advances. New Phytologist. Smith, Melinda D. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Eisenhauer, Nico : The shape that matters: how important is biodiversity for ecosystem functioning?. Koch, Andreas , Lang, Sven Arke , Wild, Peter Johannes , Gantner, Susanne , Mahli, Abdo , Spanier, Gerrit , Berneburg, Mark , Müller, Martina , Bosserhoff, Anja Katrin und Hellerbrand, Claus Glucose transporter isoform 1 expression enhances metastasis of malignant melanoma cells. Terlau, Jördis F. Nature Food. Biological Reviews Kaser, Lisa Maria Regulation der Expression von microRNAs beim hepatozellulären Karzinom durch verschiedene Isoformen von p
Prof. Nico Eisenhauer
Innere Mission“, das heutige Diakoniewerk, gegründet. Vorbilder machen Frauen Mut, ihren Weg zu gehen, sich von Widerständen nicht beirren zu lassen und sich gegen einengende Konventionen und. Hahahaa also sie denken sie bekommen einen schrank voller klamotten von ihrem freund wenn sie 15 monate nicht mehr mit ihm schlafen. feiern wir Jahre Diakonie in Österreich. Prof Nico Eisenhauer, Head of Research Group Experimental Interaction Ecology, Affiliations Leipzig University, Postal address Puschstrasse 4 Leipzig. wurde in Gallneukirchen der „Verein für.Hines, Jes , Eisenhauer, Nico , Drake, B. Eisenhauer N, Dobies T, Cesarz S, Hobbie SE, Meyer RJ, Worm K, Reich PB. Biodiversity Data Journal e; doi: Apoptosis: The Molecular Basis of Cell Death. Functional Ecology Levin, Sam C. Dreier, Esther , Malfertheiner, Maximilian Valentin , Dienemann, Thomas , Fisser, Christoph , Foltan, Maik , Geismann, Florian , Graf, Bernhard , Lunz, Dirk , Maier, Lars Siegfried , Müller, Thomas , Offner, Robert , Peterhoff, David , Philipp, Alois , Salzberger, Bernd , Schmidt, Barbara , Sinner, Barbara und Lubnow, Matthias ECMO in COVID—prolonged therapy needed? Hines, Jes , van der Putten, Wim H. World Journal of Gastroenterology 15 25 , S. Anssar, Tareq Marius Rezeptoren für B cell Activating Factor of the Tumor Necrosis Factor Family BAFF auf Synovialen Fibroblasten - Vergleichende Studie zwischen Rheumatoider Arthritis und Osteoarthrose. Sci Data Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie 52 11 , S. Fichtner-Feigl, Stefan , Kesselring, Rebecca , Martin, Maria , Obermeier, Florian , Ruemmele, Petra , Kitani, Atsushi , Brunner, Stefan M. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences PLOS ONE 14 3 , e Landscape Ecology International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21, S. Georgieva, Martina PGE2 hemmt die Migration intestinaler Myofibroblasten. Mitchell, Zambrano, Angelica M. Current Biology Nature Communications Open Access Jasper, Bakker, Elisabeth S. Bregenzer, Nicole , Hartmann, Alexander , Strauch, Ulrike , Schölmerich, Jürgen , Andus, Tilo und Bollheimer, L. SOIL ORGANISMS. Seabloom, Eric W. Functional Ecology. Holtmann, Martin H. Leonard, Samuel J. Fems Microbiology Ecology. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 20 1 , S. E-Mail: nico.